Clinical Hypnotherapist Lorna Jackson

Practicing Hypnosis Online at Gold Coast Hypnotherapy Hypnosis Clinic

Lorna Jackson is the Principal therapist at the Gold Coast Hypnotherapy Hypnosis Clinic. Born in the UK and having traveled extensively worldwide she is highly experienced in helping people from all walks of life overcome their health and emotional issues as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist.

With 24 years of Hypnotherapy practice Lorna’s many years of experience in Hypnosis makes her a leading therapist in the field of Online Hypnotherapy. She helps her clients create rapid change for life’s difficult problems and has influenced the lives of hundreds of clients and brought insight, wisdom and spiritual growth to people in need.

The basis of Lorna’s work as a online hypnotherapist begins with a genuine interest in helping people achieve a true expression of themselves. As a therapist she cannot solve your problems for you or heal you or your pain, only you can heal yourself. Lorna’s role as therapist is to be a guide who can show you the road to personal freedom.

Lorna is constantly up dating her skills and her focus is both on exploring and healing the causes of unwanted behavioural and emotional patterns, and on giving you concrete action steps you can take in your everyday life to break your unhealthy habits and discover new, healthier ways of approaching the same old issues. It’s not enough to analyse your past–you need to unlearn behaviours that don’t work for you, and learn ones that do.

If you have any questions to ask regarding the hypnotherapy services Lorna offers please contact Lorna  for a free 15 minute online chat via Zoom. You will find her broad experience and personable approach helps you feel comfortable and at ease.


Contact Lorna Today 

Location: Online.

Open Monday through to Saturday, daytime and evening appointments available.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Lorna Jackson

Practicing Hypnosis - Brisbane and Gold Coast Clinics

Lorna Jackson is the Principal therapist at the Gold Coast Hypnotherapy Hypnosis Clinic. Born in the UK and having traveled extensively worldwide she is highly experienced in helping people from all walks of life overcome their health and emotional issues as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist.

Lorna’s many years of practice in Hypnosis makes her a leading therapist in the field of Clinical Hypnotherapy. She helps her clients create rapid change for life’s difficult problems and has influenced the lives of hundreds of clients and brought insight, wisdom and spiritual growth to people in need.

The basis of Lorna’s work as a hypnotherapist begins with a genuine interest in helping people achieve a true expression of themselves. As a therapist she cannot solve your problems for you or heal you or your pain, only you can heal yourself. Lorna’s role as therapist is to be a guide who can show you the road to personal freedom.

Lorna is constantly up dating her skills and her focus is both on exploring and healing the causes of unwanted behavioural and emotional patterns, and on giving you concrete action steps you can take in your everyday life to break your unhealthy habits and discover new, healthier ways of approaching the same old issues. It’s not enough to analyse your past–you need to unlearn behaviours that don’t work for you, and learn ones that do.

If you have any questions to ask regarding the hypnotherapy services Lorna offers please call for a free consultation. You will find her broad experience and personable approach helps you feel comfortable and at ease.


Contact Lorna Today 

Location: Online.

Open Monday through to Saturday, daytime and evening appointments available.